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CCMCL Baywatch Foundation Press Releases
(see story below)
  OCTOBER 2008

October 16, 2008

Cantilan LGU Officials, Farmers, Religious Organizations Firm No to Mining!

Tandag City, September 26, 2008: The Religious, headed by Cantilan Parish Priest, Fr. Pete Ubalde SSJV in cooperation with Mayor Tomasa C. Guardo, the Sanggunian Bayan and CarCanMadCarlan Baywatch Foundation, held a prayer rally at the town kiosk on September 26, 2008.  In her welcome speech, Emma Hotchkiss, Baywatch President stated that the rally was a clear message to Congressman Philip Pichay, Governor Vicente Pimentel, the Association of Barangay Captains, and the DENR that the people of Cantilan do not want Marcventures Mining and Development Corporation (MMDC) and Carac-an Development Corporation (CDC) to operate in Cantilan.  As widely publicized by the mining companies, both the Congressman and the Governor approve the mining companies operations.

Congressman Pichay is widely publicized saying that Marcventures Mining Company will bring “kalamboan” to the area. The governor recently ordered the resumption of the access road rehabilitation of MMDC after the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) suspended it in early July 2008.

MMDC and CDC, companies both owned by the family of Mario Vijungco, operate in the Madrid, Cantilan and Carrascal areas.  The two MPSAs total almost 10,000 hectares located mostly in Cantilan’s 17,047 hectares forested land.  The mining areas are more than half the size of the municipality’s 6,962 hectares of Alienable and Disposable land area.

Cantilan LGU has constantly opposed mining in the area. The Madrid and Carrascal LGUs both issued resolutions opposing MMDC’s operations because of its potentially adverse impact on the watershed of Carac-an and Alamio Rivers.  Both rivers supply water to the National Irrigation Administration’s irrigation systems that had been in existence since the 1980s and have since held water rights to the rivers.  The NIA, leading opponent of both mining operations, operates the irrigation systems in Madrid, Carrascal and Cantilan.

The day started with a Dawn Rosary around town by the Marians, GKK and Religious Groups, followed by a mass at 5:30 a.m.  Close to 800 farmers, Manobos’, members of religious groups, and KAHAYAG members from Carrascal came to quietly march at 2:30 p.m., starting from the church grounds going towards the main highway, passing through the residence/office of Mario Vijungco before it looped back to the town kiosk across from the church.  Hundreds more were waiting at the kiosk grounds for the marchers.  The crowd was estimated to be around 1,800 people.

Cantilan Mayor Tomasa Guardo, Sanggunian Bayan members Arturo Sunga, Jr., Jeannete Palang, Preciliano Guardo, and Erma Cuarteron were on the stage to show their support to the cause. Fr. Pete led the prayer for the preservation of our environment followed by Pastor James Bat-ao with a stirring prayer in Manobo language asking the preservation of their ancestral land.  Datu Daengan Cesar Bat-ao, Provincial Chieftain of the Manobo tribes talked about Marcventure’s lack of Free Prior and Informed consent from his people.  He has a case filed with the Ombudsman against the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) and the National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP).  Dr. Isidro Olan, President, Lovers of Nature Foundation spoke about Ventura Timber Corporation’s (VTC) corporate irresponsibility while operating its Timber License Agreement.  He alleged that VTC indiscriminately cut logs in and outside its TLA and tried to ask LGU Cantilan to allow it to sell the cut logs even when its license to operate has not been renewed.  Records show that on April 17, 2008 the DENR under Iñigo Collantes CENRO, confiscated 417 pieces or 1,544.77 cubic meters of VTC illegally cut logs at Lobo, Cantilan and Babuyan, Carrascal, Surigao del Sur.  VTC granted its mineral rights to MMDC in 1994.

Mayor Tomasa Guardo invited the throng to bring their relatives and neighbors to the MMDC Environmental Impact Assessment on September 30 to let the EMB know that they don’t want mining in Cantilan.  She asked the people to come to the hearing like schools of “bolinao,” or anchovies to overwhelm the big fish, which is MMDC.

Vicente Iriberri, Baywatch Vice President, presented a slide show that highlighted the “Truth” behind MMDC.  Baywatch claims that MMDC was not a legal entity during the transfer of mineral rights from VTC; it falsified documents by intercalating with a ballpoint pen the date on a duly notarized Deed of Assignment entered by VTC and MMDC; MMDC’s Environmental Work Program did not mention the existence of irrigation systems, dams and irrigated farmlands in the area, instead it described the area as “generally planted to coconut, fruit trees, rootcrops, seasonal vegetables, corn and rain fed rice.”  Baywatch further claims that the reinstatement of MMDC and CDC MPSA’s was illegally exercised.  Both MPSAs were cancelled for non-performance in October 15, 2004—11 years after the MPSA was granted.  There are no records that the companies did exploration work, one of the conditions for cancellation in the Mining Act of 1995.

Although not the last to speak, Rev. Fr. Rafael Batoliño Carrascal Parish Priest hit hard at the Barangay officials, reminding them to respect the freedom and integrity of the people. He started with a defense of the Rev. Bishop Nereo P. Odchimar of the diocese of Tandag, who was publicly called a liar and sanctioned for “committing acts unbecoming of the bishop” by the Cantilan Association of Barangay Captains.  “This is not the only time the diocese of Tandag fought for the people’s interest.  The stand of the church has been studied, thoroughly thought, and analyzed for a while.”  “The bishop is helping the people but the Barangay officials are attacking him—he is not the right person.”  You are being used as instruments of greedy interests.  The Barangay captains received P90,000.00 each from MMDC for social development programs.  MMDC is still in exploration phase of their operations and is scheduled for an EIA public consultation on Sept. 30.  Under RA7942, The Mining Act of the Philippines, the company should undertake Social Development Management Program during the Development Phase where 1% of operations cost will be used for the program.

For Details, Contact:

Emma Y. Hotchkiss
Cell Phone: 0906-352-3018


Karla Hotchkiss (

CCML Baywatch Foundation’s Konsyerto Balik-Eskwela Para Sa Kinaiyahan held last night, July 7, 2008, at the Cantilan Municipal Gym, featuring Joey Ayala, was a sold-out success.  Local government, church, and business leaders from all over CarCanMadCarLan attended the event, as well as representatives from the indigenous people communities, farmers and fisherfolk groups.  The concert enjoyed a large representation from the student body and from other socio-civic and religious groups (e.g., Couples for Christ)

Apart from the main performer, Joey Ayala, organizers showed mining documentaries and featured the Cantilan National High School Dance and Theater Ensemble and the Couples for Christ Oikos Band. 

The event’s focus was on heightening the environmental awareness of fellow CarCanMadCarLanons: the call to protect the watershed was pre-eminently displayed on a wide banner on the stage; backdrops lent by the Haribon Foundation and the Lanuza LGU depicted the bio-diversity of the CCML area.  The youth’s views about the environment were represented in CNHS’s dance/theater performance.

Joey Ayala’s repertoire highlighted four laws that the audience eagerly memorized and chanted all throughout the main show: 1) Lahat ng bagay ay magkaugnay (All things are connected); 2) Lahat ng bagay ay may patutunguhan (Everything leads to something); 3) Ang likas ang mainam (Natural is best); 4) Walang libre (Nothing is for free).  The fourth law, Mr. Ayala explained, signified that in order to maintain our clean air and water, we must exert effort to protect it.  He further explained that in this day and age of convenience, we are already paying the price for using un-natural products.  

Mr. Ayala is known for his original compositions about the Philippine environment and culture.

The whole concert was spearheaded by Baywatch together with the Cantilan LGU and the Couples for Christ community.  Major sponsors were the Cantilan Bank, Inc. and Osaka Irridology. Live video streaming was provided by Cantilan Cable TV Network. 

For more details about the concert and to ask how you can help protect our watershed, please email Vicente Iriberri at or Karla Hotchkiss at

No rice shortage in Surigao Sur, prov'l agriculturist
by Nida Grace B. Tranquilan,
PIA Press Release
April 25, 2008

Tandag City (April 25) -- "Surigao del Sur, as a second rice producing province of CARAGA Region is not experiencing rice shortage", said Surigao del Sur Provincial Agriculturist M. Marcos Quico in an interview conducted by PIA-Surigao del Sur.

According to Quico, as a "rice basket" province in North Eastern Mindanao, around 20,830 hectares total area is planted with both irrigated and rainfed rice during wet season from November 2007-April 2008. Of this total land area, around 4,406 hectares partially harvested last March 2008, and the remaining 16,424 hectares can be harvested starting this month to June, this year.

"Last year, the province produced 139,869.50 metric tons of fresh palay for two seasons cropping. Milled rice production reaches to 80,500 metric tons, and around 62,150.67 metric tons was the demand, while the rest were considered 'surplus', based from the Provincial Agriculture records", Quico said.

It was also learned from Quico that some local traders were coming from nearby provinces and the National Food Authority (NFA) where farmers tend to sell their production in a reasonable price.

As of press time, local traders price for fresh palay were range to P14.00-P14.50 per kilo while the NFA is still at its peak price amounting to P17 per kilo dried palay.

Meanwhile, commercial rice in the market ranges between P26.00-P28.00 per kilo, and NFA rice is still at P18.25 per kilo and are always available to all the Tindahan Natin Outlets. (PIA-SDS)
(Photo credits:
PGMA lays down '3Es' plan for Surigao del Sur

CARRASCAL, Surigao del Sur – President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo laid down here today an "upgraded" plan with fresh allocation of P2 billion for Surigao del Sur, one of the country's poorest provinces to make it a top tourist destination and generator of jobs.

In her statement upon her arrival at the Carrascal Sports and Cultural Center this afternoon, the President said the upgraded plan would center around improving delivery of the three (3) E's, namely Education, Economy, and Environment.

The President's 3Es action plan is a three-pronged approach at alleviating poverty by addressing its main causes: the lack of jobs, investment and infrastructure.

"Poverty and unemployment are indeed related to each other. The most important thing for graduating out of poverty is to have jobs and to have jobs, you need investments. If you want (to have more) investments, you need to have infrastructures," the President said.

On Education, the President said she was authorizing the release of P1-million for the improvement of the Carrascal library.
This way, the President said, more children will have more access to reading materials which they could use in their homeworks and other requirements in school.

The President also said the government's Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) program would be implemented in the province soon.
The CCT is an incentives based program that prods poor families to send their children to school in exchange for a certain amount of money.

For example, P500 will be given to each family who avails of the CCT. An additional P300 per child is given to the family if they continue sending their children to school.

The President added that in order to improve the delivery of basic health services, the Surigao del Sur hospital's facilities would soon be upgraded and more Philhealth cards would be distributed to families in the area.

On the Economy, the President said a major bulk of the 2008 budget has been allotted for the construction of more farm-to-market roads so that the goods of a province can be easily and efficiently transported to its target market.

She said Surigao del Sur would receive a bulk of this big share of this budget allocation – some P2-billion – for the construction of the Surigao-Davao Coastal Road (SDCR) project to complement the Claver-Carrascal Road project which is about to be completed.

Earlier, the President broke the ground for the construction of the P200-million Claver-Carrascal Road project, a vital link of the “Carrascal Nobenta 90” known as such because the road project stretches some 90 kilometers between Surigao del Norte and Surigao del Sur.

Once completed, the SDCR, the Claver-Carrascal and the soon to be constructed Carrascal 90 would allow tourists coming from Davao or Butuan and Cagayan de Oro to reach Surigao del Sur in record time.

It would also allow the safer delivery of goods and services and increase economic activities.

On the Environment, the President assured the residents here that mining companies would be required to strictly adhere to the terms and limitations set forth by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) when the agency released the mining firm's Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) so that the environment would be safeguarded.

There are two big mining firms in Carrascal: the CTP Construction and Mining Corporation and the Carrascal Nickel Corporation both of them mine the municipality's rich nickel reserves.

Carrascal Mayor Alfred Arreza said both mining firm's local tax paid for 2007 amounted to P10.2 million while its royalty tax also for 2007 was at a whooping P38-million.

Arreza said these amounts are more than enough for the economic development of the municipality and the province as a whole.
The President lauded the Surigaonons’ resiliency and persistence in doing everything they could to improve their lives.

8 killed in latest NPA-ARMY encounter in Carmen, SDS.
by Ben Serrano, March 2, 2008

BUTUAN CITY - At least eight persons were killed, an Army-Cadre officer  and seven New People’s Army rebels in continuing sporadic gun fight between communist rebels and CAFGU-military personnel after NPA rebels attacked an Army-CAFGU patrol base in Carmen, Surigao del Sur early morning today, Col. Jose Vizcarra, 402nd Brigade Commander of the Philippine Army based in Surigao del Sur said.

The military officer claimed undetermined number in the NPA side were wounded.

Vizcarra said some 60 New People’s Army rebels attacked the CAFGU-military patrol base in Barangay Hinapuyan, Carmen, Surigao del Sur early dawn today (March 2) at 3:45 a.m. when some of the CAFGU-military personnel manning the patrol base were still sleeping while some were guarding their post.

“Sporadic gun fight still continues after my men conducted hot pursuit operations against the fleeing communist terrorists”, Vizcarra told this writer in a mobile phone interview.

Earlier, Carmen police reported an estimated 30 families started to flee homes when sporadic firefight intensified between some 60 armed communist rebels and CAFGU-military personnel manning a detachment in the area.

Carmen, Surigao del Sur Municipal Police Officer-In-Charge SPO2 Stephen Geraldo confirmed the evacuation to the Caraga Police Regional Police Office here in a fax message.

At about 6:30 a.m. this morning, Ka Andrew, spokesperson of the CPP/NPA/NDF Pulang Diwata Command of the Northeastern Mindanao Region called up local radio station Bombo Radyo here in Butuan City claiming they already seized the CAFGU-military detachment in Barangay Hinapuyan, one of the biggest CAFGU-military detachment in the province.

Ka Andrew claimed they attacked the detachment as early as 3:45 a.m. early dawn today.

When Ka Andrew was supposed to reveal how many got killed and wounded, the radio airing was cut short for unknown reasons.

In a separate interview to Carmen Municipal Police OIC Chief by local Bombo Radyo Butuan, SPO2 Geraldo confirmed it was the rebels who facilitated the mass evacuation of the barangay residents of which some of them were Manobo tribesmen.
SPO2 Geraldo claimed police and military reinforcements were forthcoming but the authorities were worried of huge blocking force of the NPA rebels stationed mostly in the bridges on the way to the area.

Surigao del Sur Provincial Administrator Johnny T. Pimentel confirmed on going sporadic firefighting between the NPA rebels and CAFGU-Army personnel in the area saying military and police reinforcements as of 11:20 a.m. engaged the NPA blocking force also in same area.

We have no reports yet from the military and police as to the casualties and wounded, we will update you”, Pimentel who is younger brother of Surigao del Sur Governor Vicente Pimentel in a text messages to this writer said.

But Col. Vizcarra told this writer in a mobile phone interview the communist rebels took hostage some civilians in the area as their shield from pursuing soldiers who responded to the area.

Vizcarra claimed a white Caucasian female was allegedly aiding the rebels and helped wounded communist rebels in providing medical treatment by providing Intravenous Fluid (IV) to the seriously wounded rebels.

Vizcarra is asking help from the PNP’s Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) to conduct thorough investigation in the alleged participation of the Belgian national who was allegedly working with an NGO.

Carmen, Surigao del Sur is the home base of some of the biggest logging and mining firms operating in Surigao del Sur.

In its adjacent town, Carasccal is the home base for the biggest local mining firm, Clarence T. Pimentel Mining and Construction Corporation which is owned by the family of Surigao del Sur Governor Vicente Pimentel, Jr.

Believing in happy endings again
by Juliana Palermo
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Philippine Star

Have you noticed that there’s not much “good” news on TV? That there’s more negative news around?

It seems that subconsciously, our minds are more attracted to or interested in negative things happening around us.

But what about the good people who do extraordinary things everyday? What about those who go out of their way to help make our communities a better place to live in? Do we give them credit?

Very few shows are dedicated to people’s needs.

After a few years in the industry, I finally got the golden chance to stand as “gift-giver” on GMA 7’s Wish Ko Lang. It has always been my dream to find a way to reach out to the less-fortunate.

I am not exactly in the best position to provide for those I’d like to help, but who is? One of the best gifts I received before this year ends is the chance to participate in making someone else’s life better.

The Wish Ko Lang staff flew me over to Surigao del Sur to experience something very wild and fruitful.

I say wild because we were able to prove the saying “Good things are not easy to get.”

Our trip to Surigao took a little over an hour by plane. Then, we traveled four hours by land.

It wasn’t easy. The weather wasn’t perfect for the trip I shared with four wonderful staff members, Eugene Lalaan, Ramil Calixtro, Marlon Martinez and Robert Oriondo.

It was raining and the roads we had to pass were under construction. This made the trip even bumpier.

It was tiring, but as soon as we got there in time for dinner, the fresh seafood by the ocean was well worth the wait and the trip itself.

We then reached Cantilan and rested for the next day’s shoot. Our trip to the island where we would meet the Bucalon family was quite amusing.

We took a very nice 45-minute boat ride. I felt right at home somehow. We got there and were welcomed with pure southern hospitality.

Fisherman Tatay Sulpicio has been living on “Double B” island as caretaker for nearly 30 years now. He shares his home with his wife and their youngest daughter Narissa. They earn a living by diving for seashells and fish, then selling them in the city.

The absence of electricity on the island caught my attention. At night, they only use gas lamps whose pitch-black smoke is harmful to their health. My heart goes out to families who stay together despite this sad condition.

Tatay Sulpicio has made me believe in happy endings again. I look up to him and his family because I can see the love and effort they exert to remain intact.

Spending one day with them has given me hope.

Their story may be very common for a lot of us, but experiencing what they do everyday makes us realize life is not as hard as we think it is and that happiness is priceless.

For me, this TV guesting is a lifetime favor from Wish Ko Lang. I can say over and over again that I’ve learned new things I never would’ve thought of if it weren’t for this wonderful experience.

The first half of our story aired yesterday, so please do find time to share this great experience of mine next Saturday on Wish Ko Lang. You will also view stories from Luzon and Visayas with Isabel Oli and Rhian Ramos, respectively.

I hope that watching these shows will make us learn something new every week and appreciate what God has blessed us with. Thank you so much for having me, Ms. Vicky Morales and the Wish Ko Lang staff!

(You may e-mail me at

Barangay Councilor shot dead in Consuelo, Cantilan, SDS
October 06, 2007 08:15 PM Saturday
People's Journal

In Cantilan, Surigao del Sur, unidentified gunmen shot dead Rolando Lozaldo, a councilor of Barangay Consuelo, while he was sitting inside the cooperative store at 6 p.m. on Thursday.
PRO13 director Chief Supt. Jaime Milla said the gunmen escaped after the attack and are now being hunted.
Police are still investigating the motive behind the two killings.

Surigao town police unit relieved after NPA raid
09/27/2007 | 08:32 AM
By Alvin Guanzon

BUTUAN CITY – The entire Cantilan town police force in Surigao del Sur was relieved on Thursday after an embarrassing New People’s Army (NPA) raid on the police detachment last Sunday.

Chief Superintendent Jaime Elorita Milla, Caraga Police Regional Director, ordered the relief of the 26-member Cantilan police force headed by Police Senior Inspector Mario Balan for alleged "negligence that gave the NPA rebels the opportunity to attack."

The relief order came after a 200-man NPA group raided the police detachment in the early afternoon of September 23, and emptied the detachment’s armory carting away 20 police firearms and assorted ammunitions.

Milla, who assumed post on September 21, has ordered pursuit against the NPA rebels and declared full alert covering all police units throughout the Caraga region.

"I have declared a full alert status in the entire Caraga regional police force in the wake of the NPA attack," Milla said.

He said they are already coordinating with military counterparts, particularly the 401st and 402nd Infantry Brigades, in counter-offensives against the raiding NPA rebels.

For his part, Maj. Gen. Jose Barbieto, area command chief of the Army’s Northeastern and Northern Mindanao Fourth Infantry Division, has also ordered field unit commanders to assist the PNP in pursuing the raiders in Cantilan town.

This is the seventh time that the NPA staged a high-profile attack on police stations or military detachments in the Caraga where caches of firearms and ammunitions were carted away by the raiding rebels.

In June 27, communist rebels conducted a pre-dawn raid against the Army’s 23rd Infantry Battalion in Barangay Lawan-Lawan, Las Nieves, Agusan del Norte and emptied the detachment’s armory.

In end- 2005, NPA rebels also attacked the Municipal Police Station in Lingig, Surigao del Sur in broad daylight and held the town mayor hostage and used him as human shield as NPA rebels ransacked the police station situated just beside the municipal hall.

2 cops injured as 100 NPA rebs raid Surigao police station
By Franklin A. Caliguid
Mindanao Bureau Regional News

Broken window glasses and Gov. Pimentel arrived hours after the raid.

BUTUAN CITY, Philippines-- Two police officers were injured during a raid by heavily armed New People's Army (NPA) rebels on the police station of Cantilan, Surigao del Sur, around noontime on Sunday.

Senior Supt. Alex Ga, Surigao del Sur police chief, said the rebels, numbering about 100, arrived at the police station in Barangay (village) Poblacion on board a cargo truck around 12 noon and carted away 10 assorted firearms and radio equipment, after overpowering four police officers manning the station.

"But my men still managed to engage the rebels," he said.

Ga said the rebels immediately fled after raid, which he described as part of the NPA's retaliatory attacks in connection with the arrest of communist founder Jose Ma. Sison.

Sison was eventually freed by Dutch authorities after they found no evidence directly linking him to the murders of other communist leaders.

NPA rebels have been raiding police stations in Caraga and other parts of Mindanao.

On August 22, communist rebels also stormed the police station of San Isidro, Davao Oriental and an agricultural plantation there.

The rebels fled with 17 firearms from the police's armory and from the surprised security guards of the plantation.

Jorge Madlos, spokesperson of the National Democratic Front (NDF) in Mindanao described the attacks as part of the NPA's punitive actions against the government.

The Norwegian-brokered peace talks between the government and the rebels broke down after the NDF failed to convince Manila to press Washington and European countries to remove the NPA in their terror lists.

The concreting of Ortega Street, infront of the Immaculate Conception Parish Church.
September 7, 2007

The night of the opening day of Panaderia Bakeshop sa Cantilan
August 30, 2007


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